High school building

Team Hope, Inc. had a fundraising goal of $34,650 in 2018 for the construction of a new high school building for Fundación Educativa Bautista Luz (FUNCEBAL). It was our hope that this project would help alleviate the burden of turning students away due to lack of available classroom space. 

Through God's provision, the building was completed using local contractors in 2019 and provides both new classrooms and administrative space. The new building was dedicated in November of 2019. The additional building space is used to support the 200+ FUNCEBAL students and makes space for current high school classes!

Your continued generous support contributes to the education of these children and gives a place to provide students and the community with hope for a better future. 

Want to know more about the project?

Jon Rene, President of Team Hope, Inc., and Jim Clunie, Vice President, speak about their past experiences
in the Dominican Republic and situations they have seen which led them to creating Team Hope.